Show that the set of all natural number form a semi group under the composition of addition?
Step-by-step explanation:
Let E={2x:x∈N} be the set of even positive integers.
(i)Closure:Consider (E,+)
Let 2x,2y∈E then 2x+2y=2(x+y)∈E
The closure property is satisfied.
(ii)Associativity:For 2x,2y,2z∈E
(2x+2y)+2z=2x+(2y+2z) since these are natural numbers and addition of natural numbers is associative.
∴(E,+) is a semi-group.
(iii)Consider (E,.)
Closure :For 2x,2y,2z∈E
(The product of even numbers is again an even number)
The closure property is satisfied.
(iv)Associativity:The associative property is inherited from the set of natural numbers(as with the associative property of addition over E)
Therefore (E,.) is a semi-group.
Hence, E is a semi-group under additions as well as multiplication.
Since E⊂N, then {E,+} and {E,.} are monoids with the identity elements 0 and 1 respectively.
Monoids are semigroups with identity. Hence from the above E is a monoid.