show the effect of base on turmeric by an activity , with the point :
1) Material required ;
2) Procedure ;
3) Observation ;
4) Conclusion.
Turmeric is used to check acids or bases
It is a basic substance.
It is also used as a spice indicator.
Materials required :
Turmeric, a container and sodium bicarbonate.
Heat the turmeric and put it in the container.
Let the solution dry.
Now add 2 spoons of bicarbonate of soda.
Add water and mix it well.
The solution turns red or dark pink.
In alkaline substances, the colour of turmeric changes.
Thus here it changes from yellow to red.
"Material required: A pinch of turmeric and the solution to be tested.
Procedure: Take a pinch of turmeric and put a drop of the solution over it.
Observation: If it is a base, the turmeric will change into red color. But if it is an acid, it will not change its color.
Conclusion: Turmeric can be used to see whether a solution is a base or an acid."