Shroud used to belong to a very big eSports team. Which team is it?
Answered by
- Shroud initiated his esports career by first joining “Slow Motion” and then joined “Exertus eSports” , later in the same year, shroud joined “Manajuma” , and in this year he also joined compLexity.
- He later participated in Cloud 9 and played for it but left playing after few months.
- But he sustained his streaming as a Cloud9 member till April, 2018. But after that his contract ended and he didn't want to renew it again so he left Cloud9.
- In short Shroud now on his owns a great player. He isn't in any eSports team right now.
Hope it helped.............
Know more: Shroud is known for playing a lot of games, but he's won tournaments of which of the following games?
Answered by
Shroud used to belong to a very big eSports team. The team is Cloud9.
- Cloud9 is an eSports organization that sponsors groups of players across eight of the most famous competitive games.
- Arguably, the most unique of all of Cloud9's CS: GO team's prominence in competitive FPS, as we treat them as a "representative anecdote,".
- It is not only for success in this community but also as exemplary of how masculine gender performs in this particular eSports scene.
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