English, asked by webbbaw1, 1 year ago

Shylock does a risk analysis of Antonio's ability to repay the loan in Shakespeare's play, "The Merchant of Venice". What are the risks? What does Shylock say to outweigh those risks for him?


Answered by Noor20
The risks are that he has his ships at sea -one sailing for Tripoli and another for the Indies.Moreover, shylock heard in the venetian stock exchange that he has his third at mexico and fourth at england and he has his other business investments spread out abroad.he also says that ships are only wooden planks sailors are mortals and there are land rats water rats land robbers and sea robbers which are pirates. then there are perils of seas,storms and rocks.
Shylock says that Antonio will be his sufficient surety and he is ready to accept hik as his security.
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