Shylock: Therefore I part with him; and part with him
To the one that I would have him help to waste
His borrow’d purse- Well Jessica, go in:
Perhaps I will return immediately:
Do as I bid you; shut the doors after you:
Fast bind, fast find;
A proverb never stale in thrifty mind.
(i) Shylock says, “Therefore I part with him;” From whom does Shylock part? Why does Shylock not
bid a tearful adieu to ‘him’? [3]
(ii) Where is Shylock going? What does Shylock “bid” Jessica to do prior to these lines? [3]
(iii) Explain the line: ‘Fast bind, fast find;’ What does Shylock want to ‘find’? Bring out the irony in
these words. [3]
(iv) What reasons does Shylock give for his unwillingness to leave the house? [3]
(v) Racial prejudice is a major theme in the preceding scenes. However, Jessica is portrayed as an
exception. Use examples from the text to demonstrate. How Jessica is shown to be different from
her father and others of her community?
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i also want this aanawer so can any budy can guve me answwer andau
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Shylock says, “Therefore I part with him;” From whom does Shylock part? Why does Shylock not
bid a tearful adieu to ‘him’? [3]
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