Si MPAL और रेक्ट्रॉविष पिडयास निरिणरणहान की MO MDAL रहावी पर FIR, संख्या काना 12,13 सौरव है। D
Q1. Are there any particular opening and closing hours for police stations?
Ans. The basic functional unit of police is police station, which is open for 24 hours a day for hearing your voice.
Q2. If I am an affected person or if I see a crime is happening or any violation, what am I supposed to do?
Ans. You can report at the police station in whose jurisdiction the event has taken place either by phone or visiting personally. You can even send your written complaint by post. If you have complaint against a police officer, you can send or report the complaint to the SHO & D.S.P. and even to the higher authorities.
Q3. What is an FIR and why sometimes FIR registration is denied?
Ans. FIR stands for First Information Report. Whenever anybody reports about any crime which discloses cognizable offence then information is entered into a register whose Performa is as Performa no - 24.5 ( I ) of Punjab Police Rule. It is the right of complainant to get an FIR registered if his complaint discloses any cognizable offence. It is the right of the complainant to get one copy of FIR free of cost, immediately from concerned police station. FIR can be registered either on written statement or verbal statement of complainant which is later reduced in writing by Police Officer and is signed by the complainant.
If your complaint does not disclose any offence or your complaint discloses only non-cognizable offence, then FIR cannot be registered. In such cases where only non-cognizable offence is made out, Police officer will enter the substance of information in the general diary of Police Station and give copy of same to complainant. Another copy of complaint is sent to the concerned judicial magistrate for further action. Police does not have powers to investigate a non-cognizable offence without the orders of the magistrate.