English, asked by sree8987, 1 year ago



Answered by NightFury

The sentences represented by active and passive voice convey the same semanticmeaning, hence, in the context of natural language processing there are grammars(namely transformational grammars) which convert a sentence represented inactive voice to passive voice. It should be noted that when the verb is changedfrom the active voice to the passive voice, the object of the transitive verb in theactive voice becomes the subject of the verb in the passive voice. When verbs thattake both direct and indirect objects in active voice are changed to passive voice,either object may become a subject of the passive verb, while the other is retained.An indirect object denotes the person to whom or for whom something is done,while a direct object usually denotes a thing.2.4 TENSESTense is the concept which indicates about ‘time’. In literature, there are threedemarcations done on timing template.(i)The time which is presently going (or present).(ii)The time which is before the present or the time which has passed (past).(iii)The time which will come after the present or the time which has not yetarrived, (future) to represent these three timing categories, languageincorporates the concept of ‘tenses’. The tense of a verb shows the time ofan action or an event. Corresponding to three categories there are threetenses. These are present tense, past tense and future tense. In Englishdifferent verb categories represent these tenses. A verb that refers to presenttime is said to be in present tense. A verb that refers to past time is said tobe in past tense, and a verb that refers to future time is said to be futuretense.For example, see the following examples:(i)I write this letter to please you.(ii)I wrote the letter in his very presence.(iii)I shall write another letter tomorrow.While performing the language analysis these verb forms of tenses are utilizedto find the timing of the event. However, there are many variations of these verbforms in English language. Sometime a past tense may refer to present time, anda present tense may express a future time. For example,

Answered by subratakonai72


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