sign of underscore?
Alternatively referred to as a low line, low dash, and understrike, the underscore ( _ ) is a symbol found on the same keyboard key as the hyphen
Punctuation marksThe underscore sign is mainly used to show a space where a space is not allowed, such as in internet usernames, email addresses and some computer programs.
Underscore Sign
Rules and Examples
Punctuation marksThe underscore sign is mainly used to show a space where a space is not allowed, such as in internet usernames, email addresses and some computer programs.
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The underscore looks like a dash below the letters ( _ ).
The underscore sign is also called:
- underbar
- low line
- low dash
- underline
- underdash
On the keyboard
To make an underscore on most keyboards, hold the SHIFT key and press they hyphen/underscore key to the right of the zero (on the top number line).
The underscore sign was originally used on typewriters to underline words. On a typewriter, you would first type the word then move back to the beginning of the word and underline it with the underscore key.