Social Sciences, asked by neetuhj21, 8 months ago

Silver coin getting tarnished
Mixing water and food colour
7 Food molding (rotting)
Writing on a paper
9. Grating cheese
10. Tearing a piece of aluminum foil
. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
1. A potato remains a potato even after it is cooked. Hence, cooking is a physical
change. F.
2. A chemical change is always indicated by bubbling out of a gas.
3. Physical changes cannot be reversed, while chemical changes can be reversed. F
4. When a tyre is inflated, a physical and an irreversible change occurs. F
5. Rotting of wood is a reversible change. T
Complete the crossword with the help of clues provided.
3. This type of changeमाय फर्स्ट क्वेश्चन इज ए पोटैटो रीमेंस ए पोटैटो इवन आफ्टर इट्स गुड हैंड्स कुकिंग इज ए फिजिकल चेंज मैक क्वेश्चन एस ए केमिकल चेंज इज ऑलवेज इंडिकेटेड बाय रबिंग ऑफ विचार मंथन कोचिंग के नोट्स बाय केमिकल चेंज विथ क्वेश्चन एंड ​


Answered by shreyasshetty36


nagi ladki and naga ladka

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