Similarities and differences between teacher and pilot
It seemed like asking if the weather has any effect on the pilot of an airliner. Of course it does.
Essentially, an educator operates like a pilot in the classroom. In control of whether the young passengers arrive at their destination on schedule. In charge of making adjustments to avoid areas of turbulence. Responsible for the safety and well-being of each person placed in their care for the entire journey to make it a successful one.
And, like pilots, teachers bring their unique talents and individuality to work each day.
We’ve all experienced memorable and not so memorable teachers. Thinking back on my own education as well as the traits of numerous coworkers over the years, five distinct teaching styles seem to surface.
First, the traditional my-way-or-the-highway types. Strict disciplinarians, they send students out of class if guilty of showing up without a sharpened pencil. Often brilliant scientists and recognized experts in the subject material, these lecturers have no time for excuses. These professionals demand respect and get it by pushing students beyond their comfort levels.
- Essentially, an educator operates like a pilot in the classroom. In control of whether the young passengers arrive at their destination on schedule. In charge of making adjustments to avoid areas of turbulence. Responsible for the safety and well-being of each person placed in their care for the entire journey to make it a successful one.
- And, like pilots, teachers bring their unique talents and individuality to work each day.
- A teacher educates his/her students, help them grow up, but a pilot does not.
Hope it helps, buddy!!