Social Sciences, asked by sumit792252, 6 months ago

similarities and differences between the methods adopted by the two leaders please fast answer​


Answered by Anonymous

Similarities in methods adopted by the Early and Assertive Nationalists:

=>Both the early and assertive nationalists had the common ultimate aim of attaining independence from the British.

=>Both believed in gathering public opinion an carrying out active political propaganda against the British government, eg: The Kesari by Balgangadhar Tilak, The Call for Young India by Lala Lajpat Rai, Poverty and un-British Rule by Dadabhai Naoroji, The Bengalee by Surendranath Banerjee.

=>Both believed that the British Rule was Detrimental to India.

=>Dadabhai Naoroji set up the London India Society and the East India Association to influence the British public and parliament officers outside India, similarly Lala Lajpat Rai also went to America to set up associations for example the Ghadar party.

Differences in methods adopted by the Early and Assertive Nationalists:

=>The Early Nationalists used the three P's, prayers, petitions and protests to bring their demands in front of the British government and only agitation within the constitutional framework, the Assertive Nationalists wanted immediate and complete independence or Swaraj, they used Swadeshi, Boycott, Passive Resistance, National education, pride in India's past and sacrifices.

=>The early nationalists were mostly influenced by western thought and consisted of English educated middle-class professionals while assertive nationalists were influenced by India's empires and traditions as well and included a much larger section of Indian society.

Answered by MohdAnasAbid


Similarities between Sardar Vallabai Patel and Bismarck

Both were great leaders

Both worked for the unification of their respective countries, India and Germany

Both of them consolidated the disintegrated states in their countries


Differences between Sardar Vallabai Patel and Bismarck


Sardar Vallabai Patel



He used non – violence methods

He adopted the techniques of warfare and violence


He united India and princely states only through peace efforts

He united Germany and Austrian States that were under its control only through war

Patel was an Indian nationalist who embraced Ghandi's philosophy of peaceful resistance.  He was a major influence in uniting various factions and religions in India together for the common cause of breaking free from the control of England.  He undertook the diffiicult task of organizing what was 565 semi-autonomous English colonial provinces and transforming them into a united country.  He served as the first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of India and was a driving force behind establishing property rights and free enterprise in India.  He is often overlooked by Ghandi, but nevertheless was an integral part of the development of modern India.

Otto von Bismarck at first was the President of Prussia (the largest German nation before they were all unified).  After wars with France, Denmark, and Austria (the main German rival to Prussia), he gained much political support which resulted in transforming a loosely connected "German Confederation" into the first "German Empire".  In contrast to Patel, von Bismarck was quoted as saying that the unification of various german nations would not be done by majorities, but by "blood and iron".  He was appointed imperial chancellor of the first German Empire.

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