Similarities and disimilarities between Islam and Christians in medieval period
Explanation:by biological
Christians:- One major similarity of Christianity and Islam is that both have a holy book that they use to practice their religion and better understand their idea of God. In Christianity, this book is the Bible, while in Islam it is called the Quran (pronounced kor-an), which means ''the recitation,'' because the Quran has been memorized and passed down through history. Both the Bible and the Quran include the history of both religions dating all the way back to both religion's idea of the beginning of the world, and include the stories that both religions believe will come to pass at the end of the world.
Islam:-One major difference between Christianity and Islam is in the nature of God. Muslims refer to God as Allah and believe that Allah created all of existence as we know it. Christianity teaches that God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to redeem all of mankind, and only belief in Christ will let someone enter heaven. Islam teaches that Allah is the only God, and only worship of him will let someone go to heaven, which they call jannah, meaning ''garden.'' Christians often create pictures of God and Christ in art, while Islam teaches that God can never be made in an image like a painting.