Similarities between alexander the great and james cameron
The king of kings Alexander the Great and Gaius Julius Caesar are considered to this day as some of the most influential rulers and military generals in history. While there’s a distinct difference between their journey to power and background, it’s undeniable that the two leaders share many similar characteristics and the infamous ambition both possess that drives them almost to the brink of obsession in order to achieve their individual goals.
Alexander the Great was born to King Philip II, around 356 B.C. in Macedonia. Alexander witnessed his father rule Macedonia as the king and having had one of the greatest philosophers at the time, Aristotle as his teacher it’s no surprise that Alexander from a very early age showed characteristics of a leader. When Alexander managed to tame the horse, Bucephalus his father pointed out even as a child his ambition is far too great, “My son, seek thee out a kingdom equal to thyself; Macedonia has not room for thee” (Plutarch 317). Alexander didn’t experience struggles or opposition when he rose to power, in fact he had inherited his position when his father was assassinated. However, there is no concrete evidence whether Alexander the great had anything to do with the death of his father.