similarities in use of bamboo in Arunanchal Pradesh and Meghalaya with Uttar pradesh
While traversing through the undulating hills of Meghalaya’s terrain, one can often see small streams flowing gently through the hills. This water is clear and free from impurities making it perfect to be reused for purposes like irrigation and people have done just that.
For the past 200 years, tribal farmers residing in the Khasi and the Jaintia hills have used bamboo to make pipes for an effective
drip irrigation system. Through this, almost 18 to 20 litres of water enters the bamboo pipes per minute and is used by the farmers to water their betel nut and black pepper crops.
To construct the system, bamboo columns are split into half and the channel is smoothened using a local chisel known as a dao. Bamboo of varying sizes can be used in the system to regulate the flow of the water. Different adjoining pipes also allow in diverting water from the same system to different villages.
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