History, asked by anuk4086, 3 months ago

Similarities of apolinario mabini's the philippine revolution and emilio aguinaldo's mga gunita ng himagsikan


Answered by mahapatrobandita


Mabini wrote The Philippine Revolution in 1901-1903 as both an account and critique of the movement that established the first Philippine Republic, as well as of the first years of the Philippines as a self-governing nation.


This Englishing of Apolinario Mabini’s “La Revolucion Filipina”, commissioned by the National Historical Commission, was done in a little more than a week following May Day 1969 under great pressure of time and official business, and may have suffered in consequence. As in my other translations I have tried to replace Spanish idioms and expressions with their nearest English equivalents whenever possible, instead of undertaking a strictly literal rendering.

The Spanish text used was that published in “La Revolucion Filipina”, II, pp. 261-325, Bureau of Printing, Manila, 1931. Its editor, Teodoro M. Kalaw, then director of the National Library, said the text “is a word for word transcript of the original, written in pencil, which is in the National Library. Mabini made a number of copies of it in his own handwriting, making slight changes in some of them.” The variants noted by Mr Kalaw in his footnotes to the Library’s published text are inserted in italics in the present translation. A number of copying or proof-reading errors have been corrected; for instance, “Bonifacio y sus secretarios” in Chapter VIII should obviously read “Bonifacio y sus sectarios”.

I have kept Mabini’s paragraphing and emphasis.

Mr. Kalaw notes that Mabini Englished his own work. I have not seen this translation, which of course would be authoritative, nor have I seen any others.

It is a pity that a biography of Mabini, however brief, should not be available with his “exemplary history” of the Revolution to whose spirit and substance he gave such significant shape. To make some small amends, perhaps the following notes made by himself in his Guam memoirs will be of interest:

“I was born in 1864 in Tanawan, Batangas.

“I went to school in Manila in 1881.

“I spent 1882-83 in Bawan.

“I returned to Manila to take a course in philosophy in 1884-85.

“I spent 1886-87 in Lipa. During this time I obtained the degrees of bachelor of arts and high-school teacher.

“I studied law in 1888 and was graduated in 1894.

“I was paralyzed in January 1896. I was imprisoned by the Spaniards in October of that year, and released in June the following year.

“I was with Aguinaldo from June 1898 until May 1899. In December 1899 I was captured by the Americans, and deported to Guam in January 1901.”

It remains only to add that he was prime minister and foreign minister of the first Republic of the Philippines, and that he died in poverty and neglect in 1903.

Righteous, perceptive and farsighted beyond the measure of his contemporaries and successors, the very embodiment of the intellectual in a revolution, he was not so intransigent as he was thought to be, as the following pages will show. Among the Filipinos he was one of the few who knew what it was all about.

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