Simply 1/4 +5/6-1/8
Here are the steps to follow:
Write down the factors for the numerator and the denominator.
Determine the largest factor that is common between the two.
Divide the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor.
Write down the reduced fraction.
Step-by-step explanation:
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=12
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/12
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/12
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12=13/12
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12=13/1213/12 - 1/8
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12=13/1213/12 - 1/8lcm of 12 and 8=24
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12=13/1213/12 - 1/8lcm of 12 and 8=2413/12=26/24
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12=13/1213/12 - 1/8lcm of 12 and 8=2413/12=26/241/8=3/24
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12=13/1213/12 - 1/8lcm of 12 and 8=2413/12=26/241/8=3/2426/24 - 3/24
soln:lcm of 4 and 6=121/4=3/125/6=10/123/12+10/12=13/1213/12 - 1/8lcm of 12 and 8=2413/12=26/241/8=3/2426/24 - 3/24=23/24