simran has a switch a battery wires and an electric bulb draw a circuit diagram connecting all the components if Simran add another but to the circuits draw the new circuit diagram also in the five two ways in which these closed circuits can be made open.
diagram ma answer do yaar
its final exam ques

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See the above attachment.
The things in which we can make a circuit an open circuit is :-
- If the bulb is loosely connected with the wire, the current will not flow.
- If the applied voltage is not sufficient.
- If the switch is open, then the current will not flow.
Some things which you need to know:-
- Resistances are applied to reduce the amount of current being flown in a circuit.
- There are 2 types :-
- Series Combination Resistance
- Parallel Combination Resistance
- Here R1 and R2 are Resistance in Parallel.
- This is Parallel Combination.
- This is in the case of series Combination.
Important Note:-
- The total Parallel resistances ie equivalent is less than the original one.
- It is contrary with what is in series.
- Parallel combination allows devices to work independently.
- It is contrary with series Resistance.

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Required Answer :-
Step 1 :- First we may remove the bulb
Step 2 :- We may remove the cell from the circuit.
Know More :-
Cell :- Source of electricity
Circuit :- Path for flow of current
Bulb :- The lighting source of circuit
[Refer to the attachment for diagram.]

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