'Since women give birth to children, they should stay at home to fulfill their
responsibilities towards their children. Therefore, women do not need to be
educated.' Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not?
Hi there! Checkout the answer in explanation column
Yes, it's True women give birth to the children by carrying them 9 months.
But this doesn't men that only women have to look after their children. Both mean and women have equal responsibilities upon their children. When men and women took equal part in the birth of the baby then they should also take equal parts in looking after the child's needs and chores. Also, women are being well educated and getting jobs too nowadays. So women are also like men they also have many works in their job fields. This doesn't mean women have more time to stay at house the full day. So if they take responsibilities of their child equally then the family will be happy, the work goes on smoothly and children also will be happy to spend time with both the mother and father.
Hope it helps! Thank you!
(this is the question which one has to think with heart deeply, think and you can get the answer)