English, asked by aishowrya, 1 year ago

Single sex schools are good for educational purposes or it'll be a great task to send your ward to a co-educational school? Which one of them is better? What's the advantages/disadvantages of each of them ---------------- Your thoughts are highly appreciated , write an argumentative essay .


Answered by AnviGottlieb
Here's your answer!

- _By AnviGottlieb_


- Rabindranath Tagore

This thought is So truly said , and is mingled with such disparity that arises between two mindsets that immediately I'm stricken by this topic of debate. This is a really vibrant and enriching topic which needs to be discussed openly ,bwith wide criticism too. Before venturing any further , I'll make myself extremely clear I've never been in favour of Co-educational institutions and thus I would like to raise the reasons why I'm not in support , the single big reason is studying in a girls' school myself

• Single sex schools are good for educational purpose or it'll be a great task to send your ward to a co-educational schools?
Which one of them is better?

➡ A correct school can change a child's future , and can encourage him/her to think big and beyond their imagination , only when they're in good hands. There's a common perception in India which says that single-sex schools are a sign of backwardness and co-educational schools encourage a less oppressive society.

• People who support co-eds often forget that , the common belief regarding co-eds bringing mutual understanding amongst girls and boys , is far away from the male dominance which is present in Indian society.

• Talking about human relationships , if people who study in co-eds have a better understanding of relationships? Then , I've a strong query to put forward in allegation to the Contary , How come domestic violence , rape , assaults , sexual assaults , ill-treatment of women so common in India? Have a look down the internet , and you'll find that more than 50% of domestic violence cases throughout the world come from educated people. Did co-education help in this manner? No , absolutely not

• If merely being together , studing together , etc have such a great effect on human minds , then why do such children grow up to be the ones who act and suffer violence? Also , in western countries , where co-eds are more common and in trend obviously , there is no such records to prove that *domestic violence and other atrocities are on a declining stage

• Special attention needs to be given to the fact that girls , are teased by boys in co-eds since a very early age. The only way a girl can avoid such a situation is not doing anything that may not seem objectionable even!

• Schoolgoing children tend to imbibe everything from their society , and in a society where hostility towards women is common , I feel that a seperate space for girls education is surely going to have a positive effect on a girl child's development.

• Despite all the disadvantages of women institutions , One positive feature of studying there is not to be constantly aware of what you're doing , This is kinda taboo ,but needs to be discussed seriously , in co-eds , there's always a problem regarding the issues that girls are conflicted with , sanitary problems , any specific issues concerning them , etc - this is not treated widely in mixed schools but in A girls school or a single sex school , this issue is a major concern

• In a girls'school , they don't have to be aware of what they're doing constantly , you have own own space and thinking , you may concentrate as you wish and there's nobody to tease even

• In a mixed school , the division of roles tends to take place automatically on the basis of gender , only a minority of girls are able to compete with that environment On the other hand , in a girl's school , girls take all roles concerning them

Thus , `Singls-sex schools are wonderful for interaction and learning and to craft your own existence`

Thanks :)
Hope this helps!

TANU81: Great ☺️
TANU81: Yes
AnviGottlieb: Thanks a lot <3
aishowrya: Awesome!!
Sneha3123: perfect superb and righttttt answer anvi
MakutoShiedo: i agree with ur views di......awesome essay
BrainlyHulk: wow!! good idea of including a quote !!
AnviGottlieb: thanks everyone :D
Answered by AkshithaZayn
Hey there!!
Down here⏬

> Single sex schools are good for educational purposes or it'll be a great task to send your ward to a co-educational school? Which one of them is better? What's the advantages/disadvantages of each of them

Although co-educational and single sex schools, both have two sides, that is, both have its own advantages and disadvantages, in mah opinion, co-educational schools are better compared to single sex schools because of variety of reasons.

My opinion doesn't mark any disrespect towards single sex schools. Single sex schools is good, but, co-educational schools are better.

I agree with the fact that schools are educational institutions. Although the main aim of schools is Eduaction, it's not the one and only aim. If schools were just meant for educational purposes, I would strongly agree to the opinion that single sex schools are best. If we look through that angle, single sex schools and co-educational schools almost have same priority.

But, A good school is not a place we study and study only, but its a place where a student shape his/her character. I don't think that a student goes to school only to get access to education. A good school always develops not only the intellect of the person, but also influence thier behaviour and conduct. They also influence thier communication skills.

I am telling that schools influence the communication and social skills of a person as most of us get our besties mainly from our school. (i hope i am right ). We became more socially interacted and make friends and relations from schools. In my case and I think most of us, this is really true. Myself studying in a co-educational school, it gave me many mad ;p friends, both girl and boy.

For developing communication and social skills, co-educational schools are always more better. Students may cooperate and communicate well with thier peers and schoolmates, of both gender. In this contemporary world, no one gives priority to gender (although, some, a minority gaves ). So, all of us may interact with all people, it's very important to devolop good communication skills with moth women and men.

In single sex schools, one may only became closer towards thier own gender and may feel difficulty towards approaching thier opposite gender in future because they always interact with thier same sex people.

So, simply for educational purposes, single sex schools and co-eduactional schools are both good enough, but to develop more social skills, which is more important than any education in the world, Co-educational schools are more better. But, education is not only the thing a good person should possess. She/He should also have some good communication skills with all types of people around.

So, for understanding people around better, co-educational schools are best than single sex schools. In this world, both genders could live and communicate freely in order to build a better world.

Thus, in a short run, both may appear equal, but in a long run, co-educational schools could have more advantages.
[ This doesn't mean that single sex schools doesn't have any advantages ]

Hope it helps <3
[ This is mah opinion only ]


Sneha3123: wow sulerb answer yar
AkshithaZayn: tysm
BrainlyHulk: who is mah ....XD?
BrainlyHulk: Excellent answers!!
AkshithaZayn: th am,
AkshithaZayn: tysm , the most respected Einstein* xD
AnviGottlieb: future enid Blyton :O = Akki :claps:
AkshithaZayn: tysm .. btw, what happened to Enid Blyton? ;p
ashishkhare687: Good answer
AkshithaZayn: thank you ^-^
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