Sketch label and describe the Spirogyra
Hey mate
answer is in fig.
+Spirogyras are common free-floating freshwater algae that inhabit ponds, pools, tanks, lakes, ditches, etc.
+They are filamentous and slippery in natures due to the presence of external mucilaginous sheath; hence, they are called pond scum or pond silk.
+They have a multi-cellular filamentous body with a mucilaginous sheath.
+They bear 2-10 spiral and ribbon-shaped chloroplasts with many pyrenoids.
+The cell wall is composed of pectin and cellulose.
+It reproduces vegetatively and sexually.
+Under lower temperature, vegetative reproduction occurs.
+It inhabits slow running water bodies and shows the mass of long shining silky filaments in running water; hence, it is known as pond silk.
+They also contain other cellular organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies (dictyosomes), mitochondria, ribosomes, etc. which remains scattered within the cytoplasm.