English, asked by narendra175, 1 year ago

sky diving want to write a essay please helpe


Answered by vaaswik
skydiving, I always had a well composed excuse of the story of a tortoise and most it always began with a question. “Do you know why tortoises live for a hundred-plus years? Well, perhaps they have a protective shell to make them resistance to any attack,” my friend would always answer.
And I would shout, “Wrong as usual, the reason they live to see a whole century is because they don’t jump off cliffs or planes.” My friendly would laugh uncontrollably saying that was an excuse of a century and always referred to me as a tortoise.

Several months down, he approached me again and this time he volunteered to take me through the whole skydiving process step by step. You see I am that type of person who is afraid of acting against the gravity, so I never wanted to be above the ground, well except when swimming. And again, (before my first time skydiving) if I was asked to choose between skydiving and Wifi, I would go for Wifi.

On this day, John passes by my place and straight we head out, mission skydiving. So, I hop into John’s Volvo and we are off. The next moment, I am being strapped by a skydiving instructor, Donald and that’s when I realize this is the real thing. Soon enough, the nervous feeling start and I am almost pulling away from this skydiving thing. But, the smile and excitement from John’s face makes it look like fun being down there.

I reluctantly sign a form with very sensitive information saying that if something awful happens out there and I die, no one can be held liable. This is the point you remember your parents, brother, sisters, fiancé and children if you happen to have any. All in all, there is no backing down. We get into the plane with my friend John, the pilot, three women and our instructor, Donald.

Answered by SBK
may I tell u that the spelling of the word is HELP-nit "helpe".
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