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In bullock cart Wooden wheel made bigger than iron wheel
Biametallic strip are made up of two same metal
Electric wire kept sagging
Thermal expansion occur in solid only.
Everyone eventually will have a favorite celebrity or a celebrity crush right. So i'm going to tell you about my favorite celebrity. It's Alessia Cara. And there's reasons too. She has bit of curly hair ( like me), plays guitar and sings ( like me ), gives positive, understanding, unique songs. Everyone has every favorite celebrity, so don't be shy because you like that person. If everyone has a favorite celebrity, please send me the link and the best story will get 3 quills. OK BYE BYE✨
In a bullock cart, wooden wheel is made bigger than the iron rim
In a bullock cart, wooden wheel is made bigger than the iron rim. The rim is then heated. On heating, the iron expands and gets perfectly fixed onto the wooden wheel. Then, water is poured over the rim. When the water gets poured, the metal goes called and contracted and fits tightly around the wooden wheel.