English, asked by sutapanahak314, 1 year ago

Slogan on forest 1 to 3


Answered by Abhishekstar
here is your answer

save forest save life
save forest and stay healthy
Small Step To Save The Earth Is In Your Hands. Do Just One Small Thing Today!
But What If We Can Save Forests?
Consider The Birds and the Bees, Stop Cutting Down Trees!
Dare To Be A Force of Nature.
Don’t Be Mean. Be Green.
Each One. Plant One.
Farms Here, Forests There.
Forest For All, All For Forest!
Forests Are Not For Sale.
Forests For People.
Give A Hoot! Don’t Pollute.
Give Nature A Voice.
He That Plants Trees, Loves Others Beside Himself.
If You Cut A Tree, You Cut Your Life.
It’s The ONly Planet We Have.
Just Follow The Frog.
Keep The Green. Cut The Greed.
Lend a Hand to Save Trees.
Let’s Make OUr World A Greener Place.
Man Needs Coniferous Forests Too.
Nature Doesn’t Need People.
Nature Itself Is The Best Physician.
One Planet, One Chance.
Our Forest is Our Future.
Plant More Trees! Save Wild Life!
Plant Trees, Save The Earth.
Planting A Tree Is Planting Life.
Protect Our Earth For Our Children’s Tomorrow.
Save A Tree, Save A Life.
Save A Tree.
Save Mother Earth.
Save Paper. Save Trees. Save The World.
Save The Earth, Save Yourself.
Save The Trees!
Save Trees and They Will Save You.
Save Trees, Eat A Beaver.
Stop Exams! Save Trees!
The True Meaning of Life Is To Plant Trees Under Whose Shade You Do Not Expect To Sit.
They Give Us Life, Now It’s Time To Reciprocate.
Trees – The Lungs of the World.
Trees Are The Earth’s Endless Effort To Speak To The Listening Heaven.
Trees Are Worth More Alive Than They Are Dead.
We Are All Living on Borrowed Time. You Can Help Change That.
We Are Living On The Planet As If We Have Another One To Go To.
Why Kill Good Trees To Put Out Bad Newspapers
there are so many slogan you will choose
Answered by Absolutely9shine
1)One tree can make a million matches, One match can destroy a million trees.
2)Don’t destroy the greenery and don’t spoil the scenery. Save mother earth
3)global warming is a warning
only forest can save us from this harming
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