English, asked by krajebdra199, 9 months ago

small family and joint family debate in english medires and demeirs


Answered by jameshul471


Merits and Demerits of Joint Family System in India (1572 Words)

Division of Labour: Joint family secures the advantages of division of labour. ...

Economy in Expenditure: ...

Protection from Division of Land: ...

Social Security: ...

Satisfaction of Basic Needs: ...

Rearing of Children: ...

Social Virtues: ...

Social Control:


please Mark me as brainlest Pleazzzzzz

Answered by FXTION

1. Home for Idlers:

Joint family is a home for idlers. Since all the members are assured of their basic necessities of life, many members do not take interest to earn their livelihood. When a person can eat comfortably without exerting himself, he is unlikely to indulge in any strenuous activity.

2. Retards the Development of Personality:

In joint family there is very little opportunity for the fostering of individual autonomy or self-dependence. The whole environment of the family is not congenial for the growth of individual because he is bound by the minutest rules and regulations framed by the head of the family who looks upon men and women as children even when they attain adulthood.

3. Luck of Initiative for Hard work:

In a joint family, all the members are required to pool their earnings into a common fund and everyone of the family has an equal share in this fund irrespective of his earning capacity. As such, there is no correspondence between one’s efforts and his reward. As a result a member, even if he is capable of doing hard work, does not do so. Because he knows that he is capable of doing hard work, does not do so. Because he knows that he is neither going to get all the benefits of his neither hard work nor he is going to be rewarded for his hard work.

4. Family Tensions and Clashes:

The joint family is a hot bed for tensions and dissensions because there are varying degrees of interests which clash with each other and result in quarrels. Frequent quarrels among women and between elder and younger members are a common feature of many joint families in India.

5. Denies Privacy:

In a joint family, privacy is denied to the newlywed couple. The invariable presence of other family member’s ashames the bride and she cannot freely talk to her husband. Any natural love between husband and wife is prevented from blossoming. Over-crowded houses are also found to have harmful effects on children as well.

6. Unfavorable for Savings and Investment:

The joint family is not favorable for accumulation of capital. When one has to share one’s income with a large family, it is not possible to save much. There is no inspiration for the accumulation of capital and investment. Lack of capital accumulation hinders economic development.

7. Poverty:

The condition of joint families is found to be poor. Poverty is mainly due to idleness of some of its members, lack of incentives for hard work, absence of any scope for initiative and enterprise and high birth rate.

8. Low Status of Women:

An important feature of the joint family system is the low status of women. During childhood, a woman is subordinated to her father, during youth to her husband and during old age to her son.

This low status has meant several disadvantages to the women folk have no right over family property. They lead a very miserable life because they are generally harassed by in-laws, particularly mother-in-laws. On the other hand they have to work hard for others.

9. More Children:

Another result of joint family system is the uncontrolled reproduction. The joint family system is found to be associated with higher birth rate. A Hindu is supposed to have a male child to support him during his old age and to offer him Pinda.

Even if a person has large number of daughters and does not have a male child, he does not stop reproduction till a son is born. Besides this, since the joint family takes the responsibility of rearing of children, nobody feels the necessity of restricting the number of issues.

10. Child Marriage:

Another evil influence of the joint family system has been the practice of child marriage among the Hindus. Old and aged people want to see the marriage of their grandsons and granddaughters in their life time. This has resulted in the evil practice of child marriage.

11. Hinders Social Change:

The joint family is based on conservatism. Since it is based on traditions, it does not normally allow its members even to accept or encourage healthy social changes.

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