Physics, asked by 8779283839, 1 year ago

Small steps of fuel conservation can make a big change


Answered by abhishek251203

Fuel is a material that is used in burning or heating something to produce energy. Almost everything we use is dependent on fuel. From cooking to automobile manufacture and working, fuel plays an indispensable role. Life without fuel is almost impossible to imagine. But, currently, we are facing a huge fuel crisis.

Blue skies and green grass, we cannot have as long as we use excess of gas. The aftermath and fallout of the excessive use of fossil fuels has adversely affected man. Our environment is like a gigantic balloon of transparent substance in which we have our being. When this balloon was created it was filled with pure natural gases. The black and poisonous smoke from the burning of fossil fuels has damaged this beautiful balloon. Man, the foolish creature, fails to see that his very existence depends on this balloon. It is a known fact that carbon dioxide, gas released when fossil fuels are burnt, is one of the primary gas responsible for global warming. Rise in temperature of earth has resulted in melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low lying areas and rise in sea levels. If such conditions continue, our planet Earth might face some serious consequences in near future.

Besides damaging the environment, air pollution can result in asthma, chronic disorder or COPD and lung cancer. Long-term exposure may increase respiratory infections in general population.

Conservation of fuel is not only the urgent need of the current times. The present rate at which the fossil fuels are being used is quite alarming. There won't be left anything for the coming generations. We will be called highly selfish generation, if we don't leave fuels for the future generations. We need to put our acts together. Being parents and elders it is our moral responsibility. Let's take care of our planet and use the fossil fuels wisely and frugally.

Saving fuel is just as important as fuel production. Saving fuel saves our money too. Fuel conservation must be practiced as a daily habit. The awareness of fuel conservation must be spread for a better future.

Fuels are considered as inexhaustible because they are made up substances which are in limited quantity in the world. So we should conserve fuel for upcoming generation.

In India, the quantity of every type of fuel is very less. India has demand of petroleum and India has not much petroleum fields and refinery and hence, it has to purchase from other countries at very high prices which directly affect our Treasury. Because of this, India is becoming backward in terms of economic development. After burning, residual of fuel get mixed with air and pollute our atmosphere and this effect directly to living beings.  So there is need to conserve fuel.

We can take few small steps which can be taken to conserve fuel such as

A driver should drive in a low and safe speed not only because to save life but also to save fuel. We know that harder we accelerate the more fuel we are wasting.

We should keep tires properly inflated because we know that if tires have low pressure, engine will have to work more and hard to pull the vehicle and will consume more fuel.

We should cook food by using LPG (Liquid Purifying Gas) gas instead of traditional methods because, in traditional method, wood is used as a fuel and its residual are more polluting as compared to LPG.

We should use CNG (compressed Natural Gas) vehicle because its production is easier as compared to petrol and is available everywhere.

We should not keep AC on for long time in vehicle because it increases fuel consumption to the 2 times.

Public vehicle as not only for poor people, the motto of public vehicle is also to reduce pollution and consumption of fuel. So we should use public vehicle as much as possible for transport.

Car Polling should be in practice. You can share your vehicles on different days this will reduce the Fuel and money half of the times.

You can use By cycle for short distances. This is a good exercise and do not need Fuel.

In conclusion it can be said that if we have to conserve our fossil fuels and save our health and environment from the adverse effects of using fossil fuels, frugal consumption, and replacing the fossil fuels with alternative sources of energy are absolute musts. We must switch over to them as early as we can for a brighter, healthier and safer future!




Answered by duragpalsingh

God gifted us many things. He made the world and our planet Earth. On Earth, we human are undoubtedly dependent on various things. We’re also dependent to Fuel. Aren’t we? Yes we’re dependent. Fuel is a thing when heated produce energy.  

                       We need various things for making ourselves good such as Food. For cooking food, we need fuel. So, Fuel is very important and its role is indispensable. For example: Food works like a fuel in human body. It gives energy to human body and helps in maintaining the growth and life of human and animals as well.

                       Fossil Fuels such as coal, petroleum, natural gas are mainly used in industries for various purposes. Electricity, the thing which we need daily as a source of energy is also produced by Fossil fuels. Rapid and Uncontrolled urbanization also has the demand of more Energy which is being produced by fuels. We can’t do much without fuels.

                        Combustion of fuels has a bad impact on our Environment and led to the pollution. Our environment includes birds, trees, water, air etc. We’re also willingly dependent on our Environment. Environment is clean than only we’ve fresh mind and healthy. Combustion of fossil fuels led the formation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It harms our Environment. The air is mixed with greenhouse gases and we breathe. It effects on our lives and health. It may cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and pulmonary disorder. It may also harm to our ecosystem.

                         The ozone layer safeguards our earth. It defend us from the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. The combustion of fuels produces greenhouse gases which led to the depleting of ozone layer faster. This affects the earth. We’ll suffer from it.

                          We need a peaceful environment and a better place to live. For making our environment safe we should not use vehicles much which need more fuel. Wow! It saves our money. Let’s make people aware of walking and using more and more bicycle not any fuel consuming vehicle. We should switch off engines while waiting for traffic light.  

                         Let’s use more and more LED bulbs and computer monitors. Let’s use CNG engines. Let’s use solar boats while travelling though water bodies. Let’s use clean renewable fuels. Let’s make our lives peaceful by saving fuel. Let’s make our future peaceful and brighter.

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