Chemistry, asked by shiv3anshu, 8 months ago

Smoke aur fog both are aerosols in what ways they are different


Answered by sahas1506


smoke and fog are entirely different


smoke is emitted by the burning of petrol and diesel

fog is created by the natural phenomenon

Answered by Anonymous

❤ ɓσƭɦ รɱσҡε αɳ∂ ƒσɠ αɾε αεɾσรσℓร , รƭเℓℓ ƭɦεყ αɾε รσɱεωɦαƭ ∂เƒƒεɾεɳƭ ƒɾσɱ εαcɦ σƭɦεɾ ❤

❤ รɱσҡε - เƭร α ɱเאƭµɾε σƒ ɠαรεร αɳ∂ cαɳ ɠσ ƭσ ɦเɠɦεɾ αℓƭเƭµ∂εร ∂µε ƭσ ɦเɠɦ ƭεɱρεɾαƭµɾε ❤

❤ ƒσɠ - เƭร α ɱเאƭµɾε σƒ ℓเφµเ∂ร & ɠαรεร . เƭ รεƭƭℓεร ɳεαɾ ƭɦε εαɾƭɦ รµɾƒαcε ɓεcαµรε σƒ ℓεรร ƭεɱρεɾαƭµɾε ❤

ɦσρε เƭ ɦεℓρร :)

ƒσℓℓσω ɱε ❤❤

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