Sneha invested Rs.75,000 in equity shares of Rs. 10 F.V. and market value of Rs. 85 each After receiving 15% dividend she sold all the shares at Rs.70 each. She paid brokerage of 1.5% on both the transaction. Find her profit or loss.
Given : Sneha invested Rs.75,000 in equity shares of Rs. 10 F.V. and market value of Rs. 85 each After receiving 15% dividend she sold all the shares at Rs.70 each. She paid brokerage of 1.5% on both the transaction.
To Find : her profit or loss.
Sneha invested Rs.75,000
MV = 85 Rs
brokerage of 1.5% = (1.5/100)85 = 1.275 Rs
Shares bought = 75000/ (85 + 1.275) = 869.313
15% dividend on FV 10 = (15/100)10 = Rs 1.5
Dividend = 869.313 x 1.5 = 1,303.97 Rs
Sold for Rs 70
Brokerage Paid = 1.5 % = (1.5/100)70 = 1.05 Rs
Received per share = 70 - 1.05 = 68.95 Rs
Shares sold for = 869.313 x 68.95 = 59,939.14 Rs
1,303.97 + 59,939.14 = 61,243.11 Rs
Loss = 75,000 - 61,243.11 = 13,756.89 Rs
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