so guys this is a typing competition who ever will win i will follow them and mark themas brainliest. all u. have to do is write the exact same thing. all same commands and not even one one thing should be. missed see the pic and write if u. can do is i will mark as brainliest

Of coursd there is never any hint of a plot dramatic structure etc and that's exactly the point of the book and off life the journey is itself the point it's also why on the road couldn't possibly find a major publisher as it did in 1957 if it was written today it doesn't check the check boxes of agents and publishers Minimum requirements for a a novel in facts it quite deliberately gives the finger to all such requirement which is why on the road stand Virtually alone among best selling novels of the past 17 years as been truly experimental yet also truly quite essential piece of America and American literature it would be fun to submit the books in manuscript from as single paragraph under a pseudonym 2 agents and publishers just to collect the rejection slip generated by the legions of interns and editorial assistants and self appointed arbiters of the literary statues show who would never there take a chance on anything as photo gonzo as a plotless 1 paragraph 1 25000 word RO diary centred around and 18 Erin womanizer Con Man and his urban college dropout buddy no no no we shal'nt have any of this