social and political conditions during shahwalliullah's era
The Mughal Empire increasde in strength for about 150 years after its establishment
in India and reached a high degree of centralization. Its subjects, both Hindus and
Muslims, owed loyalty to the Emperor, whose orders were obeyed as the commands
of a person holding the highest authority in the land. As long as this attitude prevailed,
the integration and power of the empire was assured. Aurangzeb was now the
Emperor in Delhi and he was the repository of the powers vested in the central
authority. He was “magnificent in his private habits, diligent in business, exact in his
religious observances, an elegant letter writer and ever ready with choicese passages
from the Quran.” After his death in 1707, the Mughal Empire entered its period of
descendence was in the process of disintegration.
The history of the Mughal Empire from that period onwards presents a dismal
picture of ruin, brought abouts by un questionable thirst for intrigue and treachery. Of
the six emperors that succeeded Aurangzeb, two were under the thumb of Zulfiqar Ali
Khan, a General who knew no scruples and four were willing tools in the hands of a
couple of political adventurers, the Sayyid brothers.
plz mrk my answer as the brainliest!as I need brainliest answers for ahceiving ACE