Social control in ones neighbourhood.what is the extent of formal control ?what are the agencies?is it effective?how?
quotes on judges military officers police officers School systems or teachers and government agencies or bureau cates and force formal control informal social control it is exercised by a society without stating any rules or laws it is expressed through norms and customs
Extent of Social control:
Social Control is the control of the individuals by society through forms of public opinions, leadership, religion, force and more. This form of control is extended with the help of the society and the community.
Social control is used for influencing and promoting the welfare of the individuals. It is exercised by the ‘formal and informal’ agencies.
Agencies of Social control:
The ‘agencies of social control’ are laws, state, education, family, neighbourhood, religions and more. The educational institutions are the schools and colleges. Education is used for disciplining the minds of the individuals.