Social Sciences, asked by ArmyJk, 2 months ago

Social Issues :Comparison between Chhattisgarh and Gujarat.

Firstly, the students will first identify the social issues in States of Gujarat and
Second, they will become leaders of that state and being a leader, they will
suggest schemes and way to eradicate the social issue

sst art integrated project 2021-22
class 10​


Answered by sapnasharma10031986


Work out a comprehensive medium-term strategy for food and nutrition security

in the country in order to move towards the goal of universal food security over


Propose methods of enhancing the productivity, profitability, stability and

sustainability of the major farming systems of the country based on an agroecological and agro-climatic approach and the harnessing of frontier


Bring about synergy between technology and public policy and recommend

measures for enhancing income and employment potential in rural areas through

diversification, application of appropriate technology including IT for

information on market, weather, credit facilities and e-commerce, training and

market reforms.


i dont know it will help or not

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