English, asked by ranjeetcarpet, 1 month ago

social media is the most unsocial media debate on it.
Pls answer its urgent​


Answered by labdhee82

Social media is making us a little less social. Social networking is making us antisocial in many indirect and not so obvious ways. Yes it is true that it has given us ways to reach out to a larger set of people and redefined the way we interact with each other. It helped us to know about how different people think

Answered by itzheartkiller48


Social networking is making us antisocial in many indirect and not so obvious ways. Yes it is true that it has given us ways to reach out to a larger set of people and redefined the way we interact with each other. It helped us to know about how different people think. So here my question to all that Is Social Media Making Us Unsocial? We’ve all heard the horror stories of social media. Problems like cyber-bulling and sex scandals have latched themselves on to the idea of the various social media mediums, skewing their perception negatively. However, social media use has many positives that we are consistently overlooking.

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