Social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are frequently used all over the world irrespective of gender, age, colour, race or creed. Critically discuss five negetive and five positive impact of these social networks on individual rights to privacy and safety
Answer: Social media or technological companies like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube hire attention engineers whose work is borrow principals from Las Vegas Casino gambling and use it to make product as addictive as possible.
Disadvantages :-
a. It takes close to those who are far away and takes far away from the people that are actually close.
b. It creates short term focused mindset. i.e. It triggers our brain by notifications and messages to be short term focused .
c. It creates stress hormone called cortisol in our body when our photo or posts don't get liked much, which causes many health related problems in our body.
d. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are so cheap that they can sell your data for any cost.
e. Your profile picture or your status picture can be used by hackers to create fake-id by your face.
Advantages :-
a. We can stay connected through social media, if we are disconnected in real.
b. It helps you share your ideas with large amount of people.
c. You can learn about the things that you don't know through YouTube.
d. You can promote your product through social media.
e. Social Media can make you remain update about the outside world.