English, asked by rahuljadhav79000, 1 month ago

Social structures in a poverty-free world of course, be quite different from those that exist in poverty-ridden world. But nobody would be at the mercy of anyone else, and that is what would make all the difference between a world without poverty and riddled with it. Finally, a poverty- free world would be economically much stronger and farc-more stable than the world today. One fifth of the world's inhabitants who today live a life of extreme poverty would become income-earners and income spenders. They would generate extra demand in the market to make the world economy grow. They would bring their creativity and innovations into the market place to increase the world's productive capacity. Since nobody would ever become poor, except on a temporary and limited basis the economy would probably not go through extreme swings. We would avoid boom- and-bust cycles and be able to surmount man-mode, disaster with greater casc. But even in a poverty- free world where every man and every woman car enough to take care of themselves and their family, there would still be situations of temporary poverty due to a sudden catastrophe or misfortune a bankruptay or business downturn leading to failure or some personal disease or disaster. A poverty free world might sce a whole group of families locations or even regions devastated by some shared disaster, such as floods, fire cyclones, riots, carthquakes or other disasters. But such temporary problems could be taken care of by the market mechanism through insurance and other self paying programmes assisted of course by social consciousness driven enterprises. There would always remain differences in lifestyle between people at the bottom of society and those at the top income levels. Yet that difference would between people at the bottom of society and those at the top income levels. Yet that difference would be the difference between the middle​


Answered by chaitanyajoshihitesh


Keep the burn moisturized. Water-based lotions or aloe vera work well. ...

Keep the wound clean. ...

Do not pick at the burn or pop blisters. ...

Take over-the-counter pain relievers. ...

Cover the burn with a sterile bandage that does not stick to the injured skin.Keep the burn moisturized. Water-based lotions or aloe vera work well. ...

Keep the wound clean. ...

Do not pick at the burn or pop blisters. ...

Take over-the-counter pain relievers. ...

Cover the burn with a sterile bandage that does not stick to the injured skin.Keep the burn moisturized. Water-based lotions or aloe vera work well. ...

Keep the wound clean. ...

Do not pick at the burn or pop blisters. ...

Take over-the-counter pain relievers. ...

Cover the burn with a sterile bandage that does not stick to the injured skin.


Keep the burn moisturized. Water-based lotions or aloe vera work well. ...

Keep the wound clean. ...

Do not pick at the burn or pop blisters. ...

Take over-the-counter pain relievers. ...

Cover the burn with a sterile bandage that does not stick to the injured skin.

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