Sociatal development is planned and spontaneous. Elaborate bi saying
Social development is achieved by broad-scale plannings.
This includes every individual of a society. But sometimes the changes are accidental, unplanned and spontaneous. However, when everyone in a society leads a good life, the society is considered to be developed.
Social development is achieved by broad-scale plannings.
This includes every individual of a society. But sometimes the changes are accidental, unplanned and spontaneous. However, when everyone in a society leads a good life, the society is considered to be developed.
Societal development is planned and spontaneous, because a society is not build in single day, or nor even built by any individual. It is the experience of people from a long time, which had lead to growth of the different rules in a society. As this rules and regulation are made for the betterment of human life, on the analysis of years of experience, so it can be said as planned and spontaneous.
The developmental plan for society sometimes turn out to be negative, due to bad method of analysis while making rules and regulations of the society.