Sociology, asked by tauseefahmad727242, 2 months ago

Sociologists say that “Self is a socially constructed phenomenon” Explain critically that how social groups, socialization, and interaction patterns influence the development of self-identification among individuals in any society.


Answered by gurihanjra26


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Answered by anjaliom1122


Sociologists say that “Self is a socially constructed phenomenon "All interpretation is socially constructed, according to the social constructionism philosophy. Social conceptions may appear natural because they are deeply ingrained, yet they are not. Instead, they are the product of a particular society's imagination, and hence do not truly reflect reality.


People build rather than discover themselves and other people via their interactions, according to social constructionism. Personality theories, then, are an attempt to characterise the multiple variants of self that occur from people interacting with one another.

According to social constructionism, phenomena have no independent foundation outside of the mental and linguistic representations that people form about them through time, which then become their shared reality. Simply defined, social structures have no inherent significance. They have no meaning until it is given to them by others. The notion that pink is for girls and blue is for boys, for example, is a social construct based on gender and object colour.

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