_____________ software is used to access a webpage .
A Web Browser is the software tool.
A web broswer is the most important tool and takes away all the hard work while interacting with the internet.
A web brower converts a users query to machine language, transmits it the local server, Local server connects with the Server where this information resides, when the query is matched with the relevant result, the information tarvels back to the user via the same route and browser again converts the machine code to human readable and represents it the user the way it was transmitted.
All this is happening in the background while you are surfing, visiting any website and downloading a file.
Web Browser software is used to access a webpage
A web page is a document that can be shown in a web browser such as Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, "Microsoft Internet Explorer" or Edge, or Apple's Safari. The web pages are also generally called just "pages." websites.
A web browser can also have a GUI ("graphical user interface"), like Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, "Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge", and Safari, or can be "text-based", like "Lynx or Links".