soil erosion causes and conservation of soil erosion
Soil compaction, low organic matter, loss of soil structure, poor internal drainage, salinisation and soil acidity problems are other serious soil degradation conditions that can accelerate the soil erosion process. This Factsheet looks at the causes and effects of water, wind and tillage erosion on agricultural land.
The Main Causes And Impacts Of Soil Erosion
-Deforestation for Agriculture Is One of the Top -Causes of Soil Erosion. ...
-Soil Erosion is Also Caused by Overgrazing, -Which Causes Floods too. ...
-Agrochemicals Cause Soil Erosion and Degradation. ...
-Construction and Recreational Activities
Soil erosion is the detachment, transportation, and deposition of soil particles. ...
Soil conservation is the practice of minimizing soil loss while maximizing agricultural production
Soil conservation is the prevention of loss of the top most layer of the soil from erosion or prevention of reduced fertility caused by over usage, acidification, salinization or other chemical soil contamination.
Soil conservation practices are tools the farmer can use to prevent soil degradation and build organic matter. These practices include: crop rotation, reduced tillage, mulching, cover cropping and cross-slope farming. farmers to increase soil organic matter content, soil structure and rooting depth.
List out three methods of soil conservation
Following methods are normally adopted for conserving soil:
-Afforestation: One of the best ways to conserve -soil is to increase the area under forests. ...
-Checking Overgrazing: ...
-Constructing Dams: ...
-Changing Agricultural Practices: ...
(i) Crop Rotation: ...
(ii) Strip Cropping: ...
(iii) Use of Early Maturing Varieties:
- Water runoff and rainfall
- Flowing water
- The slope gradient
- Soil erodibility
- Wind
- Local climate
- Loss of vegetation cover
- Plant trees on barren lands to limit erosion of soil.
- Add mulch and rocks to prevent the plants and grass underneath to prevent soil erosion.
- Mulch matting can be used to reduce erosion on the slopes.
- Put a series of fiber logs to prevent any water or soil from washing away.
- A wall at the base of the slope can help in preventing the soil from eroding.
- Every household should have a proper drainage system so that water flows down into proper water collecting pits.