English, asked by ish21meet04, 9 months ago

solar cars are now a reality they come with low maintenance costs and good speed draft an attractive display commercial advertisement for the prospective buyers stating advantages​


Answered by ankushs


where is the question mateee

Answered by jajnayushpanda2


Stella is the first car that uses solar power. It was introduced in the United States in 2014. While it is a move in the right direction as far as solar powered vehicles are concerned, it does not fully reflect the aesthetics of traditional sedans. However, the car has demonstrated that solar vehicles can compete with conventional vehicles.

The car can go up to 500 miles on a single charging (full). It was developed especially for family use. This last factor is quite a significant one because it shows that a racing market technology has finally penetrated through to the bigger commuter market.

Although the car does not look that great at this point, it does indicate that researchers and manufacturers are starting to meld specialty technology and performance for the consumer market

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