Solar energy incident on earth each year is sufficient to meet the energy needs of the world for the year as of today.
Solar energy incident on earth each year is sufficient to meet the energy needs of the world for the year as of today. Yes this fact is absolutely true. But to harvest solar energy there has to be sufficient infrastructure which should be present in every places of the earth ranging from the city to the villages. Else these form of energy cannot be harvested by us. Solar panels, solar light, solar cooker, and various other solar devices can be used.
Solution: Solar energy incident on earth each year is sufficient to meet the energy needs of the world for the year as of today. At a particular moment, sun emits somewhat 3.86 x 10^26 Watts of energy.
The energy level is so high that it can fulfil the energy requirements of the world. However, such energy is decreased when it reaches the earth’s surface.