Solid oxygen has a pale blue colour which is attributed to o electronic transition from the singlet ground state to the triplet ground state electronic transitions from antibonding r* molecular orbitals (triplet state) to bonding 62: (doublet) molecular orbitals electronic transitions from the antibonding it molecular orbitals (triplet state) to excited antibonding 02 molecular orbital (singlet state) electronic transitions from the triplet ground state to the singlet ground state
This pale colour of oxygen(s) is due to electronic transitions from (a) the triplet ... o2p, molecular orbital (d) the singlet ground state to the excited triplet state. dooroasing order of priority for.
Solid oxygen has a pale blue colour which is attributed to electronic transitions from the triplet ground state to the singlet ground state.
1.Solid oxygen forms at normal atmospheric pressure at a temperature below 54.36 K (−218.79 °C, −361.82 °F). Solid oxygen O2, like liquid oxygen, is a clear substance with a light sky-blue color caused by absorption in the red part of the visible light spectrum.
2.Oxygen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. The liquid and solid forms are a pale blue color and are strongly paramagnetic. antibonding orbital is a type of molecular orbital that weakens the chemical bond between two atoms and helps to raise the energy of the molecule relative to the separated atoms. Such an orbital has one or more nodes in the bonding region between the nuclei.