solutions does yeats present ills of the modern world
This research deals with the modern world and the literary and nonliterary influences that shaped the world in the twentieth century. These influenced the two outstanding poets to write their well known-poems, especially Yeats’s "The Second Coming" (19191) and Eliot’s "Sweeney Erect" (1919), furthermore; it deals with the strong connection between the two poets and their two interlinked poems. It is also a critical reading about W. B. Yeats’s poem "The Second Coming" (1919), and the destructive world of after the first world war is delineated and the behaviour and attitudes of the modern man in the twentieth society is pinpointed. T. S. Eliot’s poem, "Sweeney Erect" (1919), is critically interpreted in detail. Moreover, the infidelity, hypocrisy of modern man in the modern world and the absurdity of the modern life is presented throughout the poem. Finally, the research consists of the findings in which the researcher believes that there is a strong connection between the two poems as the to show the life of the modern man which is not harmonious, and people become senseless about the crisis of the human being that is why Yeats thinks that it is the time for the second coming of Christ to come and teach them about their sordid and absurd life and finally there would be the references.
Keywords: Modern World and Modern Poets, Yeats and Eliot