Solve (7¼.2½)¾ ÷ (7.2-¹)½
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Mark reads at an average rate of 30 pages per hour,
while Mindy reads at an average rate of 40 pages per hour.
If Mark starts reading a novel at 4:30 pm,
and Mindy begins reading the same novel at 5:20 pm,
at what time will they be reading the same page?
Mark DATA:
Rate = 30 page/hr = (1/2) page/minute
Mindy DATA:
Rate = 40 page/hr = (2/3) page/minute
Comment: From 4:30 to 5:20 is 50 minutes
In that time Mark has read 50(1/2) = 25 pages.
Let the time it takes Mindy to catch up be "x" minutes
Pages read by Mindy = 25 pages + pages read by Mark
(2/3)x = 25 + (1/2)x
4x = 150 + 3x
x = 150 minutes
150 minutes after 5:20 they will be on the same page.
That would be at 7:50
Stan H.