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Ans 16 :- Buffer Stock is the stock of foodgrains namely wheat and rice procured by the government through F.C.I .
Following are the main reasons for why is Buffer Stock created by the government :-
1) Food Security
2) Calamity Or Disaster
3) Uninterrupted Supply Of Food Grains .
4) To Save Farmer From The Ups And Downs Of The Markets .
Ans 17 :- India is a vast country . In order to maintain a uniformity of time within the country , 82½° E longitude is taken as the standard meridian if India . This central meridian passes between the towns of Allahabad and Mirzapur ( U.P. ) I.S.T. is 5-1/2 hours , ahead of Greenwich mean time ( G.M.T. ) .
Ans 18 :- The Himalayas have been uplifted by different mountain building movements . There are many parallel mountain ranges in the Himalayas . These ranges are separated from each other by longitudinal valleys called Dun's These ranges different stages of folding according to height the different ranges are :-
1) The Great Himalayas or Inner Himalayas .
2) The Lesser Himalayas or Middle Himalayas .
3) The Shiwaliks or Outer Himalayas .
Karakoram ranges and Ladakh ranges are Trans-Himalayas ranges running parallel to one another . Zanskar ranges from the Great Himalayas . The Lesser Himalayas in the form of Pir Panjal ranges and Dhauladhar ranges belong to middle Himalayas . The southernmost ranges of the Himalayas are known as Shiwalik ranges .
1) The number of live births per thousand persons during a certain period of times is called birth rate .
2) It is calculated for every 1000 persons for a year .
3) A high birth rate shows an increasing population .
1) It is the difference between the birth rate and death rate per 1000 persons .
2) The growth rate of population is expressed as percentage during a certain period of time .
3) When birth rate is more than death rate , it shows a positive growth rate .
Ans 22:- There are many reasons for poverty in India .
1) One historical reason is the low level of economic development under the British Colonial administration . The policies of the Colonial government ruined traditional handicraft and discouraged development of Industries like textile .
2) With the spread of irrigation and the Green Revolution many job opportunities were created in the agricultural sector . But the effects were limited to some parts of India .
3) Another reason of high poverty rate has been the huge income Inequalities . One of the major reasons for this is the unequal distribution of land and other resources .
Ans 24 :- Following are the main Merits of Democracy .
1) GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE :- Democracy ensures people's participation in government . Democracy is government by the people .
2) EQUALITY :- Democracy ensures the equality of political rights . Everybody has the opportunity to government in life .
3) LIBERTY :- People enjoy freedom of speech and expression , freedom of movements , freedom of religion , freedom to hold meetings and to criticise the actions of the government .
4) BASED ON PUBLIC OPINION :- Democracy rests on the consent of the people . The people feel that laws in democratic governments are self-made and self-enforces .
5) STABLE AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT :- A democratic government is more stable and Responsible . It avoids revolution because the people themselves are the makers and the breakers of laws of governments . If the people indicate a lack of confidence over the government the government will have to resign .
6) NO POSSIBILITY OF REVOLUTIONS :- People can change the government whenever they so desire . Therefore , the democratic government changes with the change in time .
7) POLITICAL EDUCATION :- Democratic government gives political education to the people . The entire procedure of elections give the people political education .
8) NATIONAL UNITY AND PATRIOTISM :- The democratic form of government increases the spirit of nation unity and patriotism in the people .
Ans 26:- All the democratic countries of the world have constitutions. We need constitution due to given ahead reasons :
1 ) SUPREME LAW OF THE COUNTRY :- constitutions of a state is the supreme law of the land . The government at the state and Central level work within the sphere of powers given to them by the constitution .
2) PROVIDE BASIC RULES :- Constitution provides basic rules and principles on the basis of which government should be .
3) KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE NATURE OF GOVERNMENT :- It is the constitution which decideds how the government will be organised .
4) RULE OF LAW :- Constitution of a state makes provision for rule of law .
Following are the main reasons for why is Buffer Stock created by the government :-
1) Food Security
2) Calamity Or Disaster
3) Uninterrupted Supply Of Food Grains .
4) To Save Farmer From The Ups And Downs Of The Markets .
Ans 17 :- India is a vast country . In order to maintain a uniformity of time within the country , 82½° E longitude is taken as the standard meridian if India . This central meridian passes between the towns of Allahabad and Mirzapur ( U.P. ) I.S.T. is 5-1/2 hours , ahead of Greenwich mean time ( G.M.T. ) .
Ans 18 :- The Himalayas have been uplifted by different mountain building movements . There are many parallel mountain ranges in the Himalayas . These ranges are separated from each other by longitudinal valleys called Dun's These ranges different stages of folding according to height the different ranges are :-
1) The Great Himalayas or Inner Himalayas .
2) The Lesser Himalayas or Middle Himalayas .
3) The Shiwaliks or Outer Himalayas .
Karakoram ranges and Ladakh ranges are Trans-Himalayas ranges running parallel to one another . Zanskar ranges from the Great Himalayas . The Lesser Himalayas in the form of Pir Panjal ranges and Dhauladhar ranges belong to middle Himalayas . The southernmost ranges of the Himalayas are known as Shiwalik ranges .
1) The number of live births per thousand persons during a certain period of times is called birth rate .
2) It is calculated for every 1000 persons for a year .
3) A high birth rate shows an increasing population .
1) It is the difference between the birth rate and death rate per 1000 persons .
2) The growth rate of population is expressed as percentage during a certain period of time .
3) When birth rate is more than death rate , it shows a positive growth rate .
Ans 22:- There are many reasons for poverty in India .
1) One historical reason is the low level of economic development under the British Colonial administration . The policies of the Colonial government ruined traditional handicraft and discouraged development of Industries like textile .
2) With the spread of irrigation and the Green Revolution many job opportunities were created in the agricultural sector . But the effects were limited to some parts of India .
3) Another reason of high poverty rate has been the huge income Inequalities . One of the major reasons for this is the unequal distribution of land and other resources .
Ans 24 :- Following are the main Merits of Democracy .
1) GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE :- Democracy ensures people's participation in government . Democracy is government by the people .
2) EQUALITY :- Democracy ensures the equality of political rights . Everybody has the opportunity to government in life .
3) LIBERTY :- People enjoy freedom of speech and expression , freedom of movements , freedom of religion , freedom to hold meetings and to criticise the actions of the government .
4) BASED ON PUBLIC OPINION :- Democracy rests on the consent of the people . The people feel that laws in democratic governments are self-made and self-enforces .
5) STABLE AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT :- A democratic government is more stable and Responsible . It avoids revolution because the people themselves are the makers and the breakers of laws of governments . If the people indicate a lack of confidence over the government the government will have to resign .
6) NO POSSIBILITY OF REVOLUTIONS :- People can change the government whenever they so desire . Therefore , the democratic government changes with the change in time .
7) POLITICAL EDUCATION :- Democratic government gives political education to the people . The entire procedure of elections give the people political education .
8) NATIONAL UNITY AND PATRIOTISM :- The democratic form of government increases the spirit of nation unity and patriotism in the people .
Ans 26:- All the democratic countries of the world have constitutions. We need constitution due to given ahead reasons :
1 ) SUPREME LAW OF THE COUNTRY :- constitutions of a state is the supreme law of the land . The government at the state and Central level work within the sphere of powers given to them by the constitution .
2) PROVIDE BASIC RULES :- Constitution provides basic rules and principles on the basis of which government should be .
3) KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE NATURE OF GOVERNMENT :- It is the constitution which decideds how the government will be organised .
4) RULE OF LAW :- Constitution of a state makes provision for rule of law .
good answer
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