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10) i )
Difference Between Receipt and Payments Account & Income And Expenditure Account -
• Nature
Income and Expenditure Account :
It is like as Profit and Loss account.
Receipts And Payments Account :
It is the summary of cash book
• Nature of Items
Income and expenditure account :
Records Income and Expenditure of revenue nature only.
Receipts and payments account :
Records Payments and receipts of revenue and capital nature
• Period
Income and expenditure account :
Only of current Period.
Receipts and payments account :
Of Preceeding and succeeding Periods.
• Opening Balance
Income and expenditure account :
No Opening Balance
Receipts and payments account :
Represents cash in hand or cash at bank.
• Closing Balance
Income and expenditure account :
Represents as Surplus or Deficit.
Receipts and payments account :
Represents cash in hand or cash at bank.
• Depreciation
Income and expenditure account :
Includes Depreciation
Receipts and payments account :
Not includes Depreciation