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Ans is 143547.First multiply 7×2=14,then7×5=35,then add the answer 14+35=49 now subtract 2(centre value in the question)=47,Now the answer is 143547.
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1's straight ......
for first one ....5×3 then 5×2...and the similar pattern is formed ....
the issue is that m not this able to find that how the third value got there
the answer would be something around
1435xy...where x and y are unknown values!...
now ....thanks to Anand Bhai and bhuvi di....the x and y are taken out by adding the product with first and second and then subtracting by the middle value....
14+35-2= 47
thus answer = 143547..
for first one ....5×3 then 5×2...and the similar pattern is formed ....
the issue is that m not this able to find that how the third value got there
the answer would be something around
1435xy...where x and y are unknown values!...
now ....thanks to Anand Bhai and bhuvi di....the x and y are taken out by adding the product with first and second and then subtracting by the middle value....
14+35-2= 47
thus answer = 143547..
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143547 is the right answer..
I hope this is right.....
7x2= 14, then 7x5=35 ,
there are first and second pair 1435,
then after ,,,add both
and subtract the middle one....
49-2= 47...this is the third pair 47 ....
then answer is 143547...
I hope this is right.....
7x2= 14, then 7x5=35 ,
there are first and second pair 1435,
then after ,,,add both
and subtract the middle one....
49-2= 47...this is the third pair 47 ....
then answer is 143547...
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