Solve for n
n² + 19 × n - n = 0
note - n is a natural number..
n=0 n=−18
Step-by-step explanation:
n=0 n=−18
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ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.2×k<2×2k
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.2×k<2×2k2k<2k+1(1)
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.2×k<2×2k2k<2k+1(1)On the other hand, k>1⇒k+1<k+k=2k. Hence k+1<2k(2)
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.2×k<2×2k2k<2k+1(1)On the other hand, k>1⇒k+1<k+k=2k. Hence k+1<2k(2)By merging results (1) and (2).
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.2×k<2×2k2k<2k+1(1)On the other hand, k>1⇒k+1<k+k=2k. Hence k+1<2k(2)By merging results (1) and (2).k+1<2k<2k+1
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.2×k<2×2k2k<2k+1(1)On the other hand, k>1⇒k+1<k+k=2k. Hence k+1<2k(2)By merging results (1) and (2).k+1<2k<2k+1k+1<2k+1
ersorder by votesUp vote23Down voteAcceptedProof by induction.Let n∈N.Step 1.: Let n=1 ⇒ n<2n holds, since 1<2.Step 2.: Assume n<2n holds where n=k and k≥1.Step 3.: Prove n<2n holds for n=k+1 and k≥1 to complete the proof.k<2k, using step 2.2×k<2×2k2k<2k+1(1)On the other hand, k>1⇒k+1<k+k=2k. Hence k+1<2k(2)By merging results (1) and (2).k+1<2k<2k+1k+1<2k+1Hence, n<2n holds for all n∈N