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9.World War I was the direct catalyst for the Russian Revolution of 1917. The poor performance of the Russian government in the Great War, along with the stress that the war put on the Russian society and economy, drove people who were already generally unhappy with the regime to rebel.
10.The reasons for Stalin's unpopularity in the Soviet Union were
. By 1939, there was a total of 2 million
people in labour camps or priso
• Due to the confusion in the industrial production, there were many people at the party that were criticizing the process.
• In 1930-33, there was a bad harvest that results in the most upsetting food crisis in the history of Soviet.
11.The origin of Socialist Parties dates back to the early 19th century. The rights entitled to the working class triggered the need for such parties. Most of these social parties were highly inspired by the philosophies of Karl Marx. Also, many labour unions started mushrooming to enhance the economic status of the workers.
Some countries that saw the emergence of the Socialist Parties around this time are America, Great Britain, France, Japan and Hungary to mention just a few.
1. World War I was the direct catalyst for the Russian Revolution of 1917. The poor performance of the Russian government in the Great War, along with the stress that the war put on the Russian society and economy, drove people who were already generally unhappy with the regime to rebel.
2. The reasons of Stalin's unpopularity in Soviet Union were :-
- In spite of collectivization, production did not increase immediately.
- The bad harvests of 1930-33 led to most devastating famines in Soviet history.
- Many within the party criticised the confusion in industrial production.
- Accusations were made throughout the country.
- By 1939, over 2 million were in prison or labour camps.
3. Workers in England and Germany began forming workers associations, for a better living and working conditions. In Germany, these associations worked closely with the ‘Social Democratic Party’ and helped it win the parliament seats. They set up funds to help members in times of distress. In 1905, socialists and trade unionists formed a ‘Labour Party’ in Britain and ‘Socialist Party’ in France.
- 19th century in Europe most of the society was divided into conservative and liberals.
- Liberals was made up of those people who just want change their society by new modern society.
- Conservatives was made up of those people who just want to conserve their culture and traditions.
5. October Revolution 1917 is considered as landmark in the history of socialism because as a result of this revolution, Russia became the first socialist country in the world.
- Reducing the regular woring hour'so to eight hours .
- Improvement of barracks and working conditions.
- Increase of wages.