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a. horrible
meaning=causing or tending to cause horror; shockingly dreadful:
sentence=a horrible sight.
meaning=extremely unpleasant; deplorable; disgusting:
sentence=horrible living conditions.
b. terribly
meaning=usually about something bad or unpleasant very much:
seantence=I’m terribly disappointed I couldn’t be there.
meaning=Sometimes terribly is used to emphasize something good:
sentence=I’m terribly excited about tonight’s show.
c. frightfully
meaning=horrible, shocking, or revolting:
sentence=The storm did frightfully damage.
meaning=Informal.unpleasant; disagreeable:
sentence=We had frightfully time.
d. pretty
meaning=very sure about anything
sentence=I'm pretty sure it was her.
meaning=beautiful or clear
sentence=I've got a pretty good idea of how to get there.
meaning=causing or tending to cause horror; shockingly dreadful:
sentence=a horrible sight.
meaning=extremely unpleasant; deplorable; disgusting:
sentence=horrible living conditions.
b. terribly
meaning=usually about something bad or unpleasant very much:
seantence=I’m terribly disappointed I couldn’t be there.
meaning=Sometimes terribly is used to emphasize something good:
sentence=I’m terribly excited about tonight’s show.
c. frightfully
meaning=horrible, shocking, or revolting:
sentence=The storm did frightfully damage.
meaning=Informal.unpleasant; disagreeable:
sentence=We had frightfully time.
d. pretty
meaning=very sure about anything
sentence=I'm pretty sure it was her.
meaning=beautiful or clear
sentence=I've got a pretty good idea of how to get there.
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