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A compound statement is a statement which results from the application of one or more logical connectives to a collection of simple statements.
In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instruction s that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached. Typically, a certain process is done, such as getting an item of data and changing it, and then some condition is checked such as whether a counter has reached a prescribed number.
f it executes the while statements, it then checks the condition again to determine if the statements should be executed again. This logic flow, by definition, is called a pre-test loop because the condition is checked BEFORE the statements in the loop are executed.
Because do while loops check the condition after the block is executed, the control structure is often also known as a post-test loop. ... This means that the code must always be executed first and then the expression or test condition is evaluated. If it is true, the code executes the body of the loop again.
Jump statements cause an unconditional jump to another statement elsewhere in the code. They are used primarily to interrupt switch statements and loops. The jump statements are the goto statement, the continue statement, the break statement, and the return statement.
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